Plus Size on a Budget - Fall Neutrals - Plus Size Duster, Bodysuit, Skinny Jeans, Leopard Belt, Pumps - #plussize #alexawebb #plussizebudget

Plus Size on a Budget – Fall Neutrals

It’s that time of year for light layers and earth tones.  Today I bring you plus size fall neutrals on a budget.  But, before getting into the details, I want to prevent some anticipated feedback.  So please keep these things in mind: My “Disclaimer” “Budget” is relative.  Some people easily spend $300 on sunglasses, while… Read More

Plus Size White Jeans in Fall - Denim Jacket, T-Shirt, Louis Vuitton Neverfull Bag, Ankle Booties - #plussize #alexawebb

Plus Size White Jeans for Fall

A plus size white jeans outfit for fall?  Gasp!  Just because Labor Day has come and gone, taking summer along with it, doesn’t mean you should put away your white jeans.  In case you haven’t heard, we have thrown out the old “rule” of no white after Labor Day.  Lately the trend has been to… Read More