Plus Size White Denim Outfits

Two plus size white denim outfits: one for Casual Fridays and the other for fun days!

Plus Size White Denim Outfits

Plus Size White Denim Outfits - Casual Friday - How to wear plus size white flared jeans to the office... try with a linen blazer and wedge sandals by Alexa Webb.

Outfit Details

This first plus size white denim outfit is for those casual moments that you want to look a little more polished.

The outfit could work for a Casual Fridays at the office in the summer.

Basically, adding a linen blazer makes this look a tiny step above casual.

In case you haven’t heard my spiel about how to care for linen, go here.

The white denim flared jeans will look good all year long.  

We’re no longer doing “no white after Labor Day,” mmmmkay?

And if you’re over 40, we’re no longer giving any Fs anyway!

J.Crew Sizing

These white jeans are from J.Crew.

These flare jeans have a 33″ inseam so they are meant to be worn with heels.

Or you may have to have them hems altered depending on your height.

In case you haven’t heard, J.Crew now has many items in plus sizes up to a size 24 or 3X. 

Their sizing is comparable to Lane Bryant

One thing to note is that some of their pants and jeans come by waist sizing (vanity), so check the size chart below to see which size you are.

J.Crew Size Chart

JCrew Denim Size Chart

Recommended White Denim

However, my current recommendation for plus size white flares are these from Spanx.

First, they come in three inseams!  (Petite 32”, Regular 34”, Tall 37”)

Note that they are designed to wear with a 3-4″ heel, so factor that in when choosing a length.

Second, they’re stretchy, pull-on, with a hidden tummy shaping panel.  Yes!

And lastly, I have been reassured that they are opaque.

More Outfit Details

I am toping them with a babydoll top with a small floral print.  So cute!

This top is 30″ from the shoulder which should offer some ample bum-coverage.

I added some height with these wedge sandals.

And imagining wearing this look to the office, a slouchy raffia tote that zips closed is a great choice.

For jewelry, I went with a coin necklace and small hoop earrings.

Plus a gold cuff bracelet.


I included a new discovery: Valentino’s “Donna Born in Roma Coral Fantasy” perfume.

As expected, this fragrance smells expensive. 

It’s like Donna went on a tropical vacation.  Perfect for summer!

And add some color with my favorite bronzer.

If you’re on a budget or need a different shade, check out this bronzer.  It’s also a favorite.

And add a nude lip with my favorite lipstick.

You can read all about why it’s so great here.

Plus Size White Denim Outfits – Casual Friday

Plus Size White Denim Outfits - Casual Friday - How to wear plus size white flared jeans to the office... try with a linen blazer and wedge sandals by Alexa Webb.

Shop the Look

Outfit 2 Details

This second outfit is for more casual days.

I swapped the linen blazer for an adorable crochet shrug cardigan.

I included my new favorite gold hoop earrings.

You can see me wearing them here.

I know you have heard me talk about my Pavoi hoops that I love.

And I still love them, but if you’re looking to go bigger, try these!

They are lightweight but make a real statement.

Plus Size White Denim Outfits – Fun Day

Plus Size White Denim Outfits - Weekend Fun Day - Plus size white flared jeans with a crochet shrug and wedge sandals by Alexa Webb.

Shop the Look

Plus Size Crochet Cardigan (long  sleeve, less $ similar)

Hoop Earrings

Raffia Tote (less $ similar)

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One thought on “Plus Size White Denim Outfits

  1. Alexa,
    I love your new look. You look really great! Thanks for sharing it with us. I like your background decor. Your house looks inviting. I’m a big fan. Thanks for the new outfit suggestion. I really appreciate all your work.

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