Plus Size Summer Work Capsule Outfit Idea with Coral Pants, Blue Sweater Blazer, Floral Scarf, and Grey Tote Bag - Alexa Webb

Plus Size Summer Work Capsule – Part 1

Today I give you the first part of a plus size summer work capsule wardrobe.  My last plus size work capsule was so popular and I received so many requests for a summer version that I had to create another! Also, in case you missed it, I also posted a plus size summer work capsule… Read More

Plus Size Spring Style with Walmart - Plus Size Spring Outfit Ideas - Alexa Webb

Plus Size Spring Style with Walmart

This is a post sponsored by Walmart and contains affiliate links.  All opinions are my own. If you’re in the market for some fresh plus size spring style, look no further than Walmart!   Plus Sizes at Walmart As I’ve said, Walmart offers a great selection of plus sizes.  And they have really stepped up their fashion game!  Several of… Read More

Plus Size Spring Casual Outfit with Walmart featuring 90s jeans, a cute white top, and camel lightweight jacket with sandals - Alexa Webb

Plus Size Spring Casual Outfit with Walmart

This is a post sponsored by Walmart and contains affiliate links.  All opinions are my own. A few plus size spring casual outfit ideas!  But, before I get into outfit details, I want to highlight a new brand at Walmart, my partner for today’s post.  Free Assembly at Walmart As I mentioned in a previous… Read More